#23 The 4 Stages of Improvement

Episode #23

Stage 1: Starting with Zero Knowledge:

This is  where every golfer begins, knowing nothing about the technicalities of the game.

Stage 2: Getting Stuck in Online Programs and YouTube:

Next comes the phase where you might find yourself endlessly scrolling through online lesson programs and watching countless YouTube tutorials. While these resources can boost your confidence temporarily, they often fall short in addressing your fundamental swing issues.

Stage 3: Transitioning to One-on-One Lessons:

Feeling stuck with online resources, you might decide to invest in one-on-one lessons. While this personalized approach is a step up, without long-term commitment and focused practice, you might still struggle to see significant improvement.

Stage 4: Embracing Long-Term Commitment to Improvement:

Now, here's where the real transformation happens. It's about committing to long-term improvement through consistent lessons over time. Players who embrace this approach not only make tangible swing changes but also develop a deep understanding of their game and the patience required for lasting improvement.