#42 Is it time to marry your golf game?

Episode #42

When it comes to improving your game, most people "play the field" to their own detriment. 

I got the idea for today's episode from a podcast I listened to by Alex Hormozi - a business mogul who's in his 30's and worth over $200 million. 

He said that before he got married, he spent 40% of his time "chasing tail" - his words not mine - haha!

And getting married freed up 40% of his time. 

He was relating the same concept to business owners.

He said most business owners waste 40% of their time thinking about side hustle businesses or other opportunities that are a waste of time. The real opportunity is in growing their core business, but they never "get married" to their business and put all their effort into what is really their bread and butter. 

Isn't it the same with your golf game?

There's too much information available out there. 

And most players don't have the discipline to tune out the noise and focus on what matters. 

And what matters if you're a 12+ handicap player is learning to swing from the inside on the downswing and release the club. 

That's the skill you need to break through to get to the next level. 

But most players never "marry their game" and spend their time "chasing tail" instead. 

They listen to every tip online whether or not it even applies to them. 

They'd be better served chipping away at learning the only thing that matters... Building the skill of swinging the club from the inside and making a powerful forearm rollover release. 

Take Micheline from Canada, for example. She has put in the work and stayed focused on just those 2 things for almost 2 years now.

Her first year with Face First Golf, she shot an 86 - a personal best by a long shot. 

Now a year later she just shot 82.

This is what happens when you make the decision to "marry your golf game" and focus on what matters. 

If you're ready to take your game to the next level, shoot me a text at 480-375-5393. 

If you want to chat with me on Zoom, go to https://facefirstgolf.com/talk-to-craig/.